The Mavericks Live at the Caverns

The Mavericks Live at the Caverns

+The Sweet Lizzy Project

Pelham, Tennessee

March 6, 2022

The Mavericks perform at the Caverns in Tennessee

The Caverns Music Venue Concerts

Concerts in Tennessee at the Caverns

The Mavericks play a show at the Caverns In Pelham

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Lightshifter Studios photographs a concert at the Caverns

Asheville Music and Wedding Photographer

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LightShifter Studios photographs the Mavericks

The Caverns 2022 Concerts

North Carolina Music Photographers

Bryce Lafoon photographs the Mavericks at the Caverns, TN

Music inside a cave by the Mavericks

The Mavericks perform at a cave in Tennessee

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Mavericks perform in a cave in Pelham, TN

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Music Lighting inside a cave

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The Caverns Music Venue in East Tennessee

The Mavericks play a show at the Caverns.

cave lighting in Tennessee

Dancing at a Mavericks Concert

The Mavericks band perform live

North Carolina Music Photographers, Light Shifter Studios

The Caverns Music Venue

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The Mavericks Music Photos

the mavericks concert in a cave

Father and Son of the mavericks

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Opener:  The Sweet Lizzy Project

The Cavern Concerts 2022

Sweet Lizzy in a cave

Sweet Lizzy. Caverns

North Carolina Music Photographers

Light Shifter Studios is based out of Asheville, North Carolina.    We are available for touring and photo projects for musicians and festivals.    To view more of our work please visit:


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